
2020-7-9 · Even if you launch an EC2 instance with IAM role, you can't run commands without supplying region info. Otherwise, you'll encounter errors as follows. $ aws ec2 describe-vpcs You must specify a region. You can also configure your region by running "aws configure". Here's how to set aws-cli's region. First, check the curren settings. AWS EC2服务器的HTTPS负载均衡器配置过程_运 … 2016-9-28 · AWS EC2服务器配置负载均衡器步骤: 1、普通负载均衡器 至少两台EC2实例,这里以Centos6.7系统为例启动之后先安装个apache的httpd服务器默认80端口,或者使用其他服务器和端口也行,配置负载均衡器的时候需要用到这个端口iptables防火墙开启 How to Configure FTP on AWS EC2. When I need to send or Ref: https://bit.ly/2D3D11m When I need to send or receive data/files from one system to another system in a secure way, in my mind there is only one protocol which is FTP(File Transfer Protocol). 如何使用 Amazon EC2 和 S3 实现 Hadoop? 2016-4-14 · Amazon EC2不就是一台虚拟机么,它和本地一台服务器是一样的,你在本地怎么搭建Hadoop集群的,在EC2上就怎么搭建。 如果你想采用S3替代HDFS,作为Hadoop的存储系统,这个也很容易啊,Hadoop本来就提供了使用S3作为存储的接口. 你可以

Scrape AWS EC2 forums to obtain ranges of public IP addresses for each EC2 region - ec2dipr.py

2015-9-28 · 背景介绍:这个文章的目的是要利用aws基础设施如EC2实例,弹性IP,负载均衡和S3在EC2上安装Apache webserver并且还需要在实例EC2上挂载一个EBS卷保证实例提供服务的页面资源必 …


2020-6-11 · Amazon Linux also has no bug tracking system, users must post questions in the AWS Developer Forums to file a bug against a package! There is no way to search for bugs, either. This should be a showstopping issue for almost everyone. 在Windows中使用Putty SSH到Amazon EC2实例 | … 2019-9-30 · SSH to Amazon EC2 instance using Putty in windows我是Amazon Web服务的新手,正尝试启动一个Amazon实例并使用Windows中的腻子SSH到它。 这些是我遵循的步 Forums - AWS EC2 queries - Forums - Forums 2018-12-13